Earlier today, Joe Kopena and I once again presented our tag-team LATEX talk. Not familiar with LATEX? Why not read the Wikipedia article! It’s essentially a professional grade system for beautifully typesetting documents/books. There are various books and Internet tutorials that do a fairly good job of introducing the basics, so, in our talk, Joe and I cover some more advanced topics and also general typesetting snags that novices often encounter. We always get requests for our slides after each of our talks, so I figured I’d post them online (which is the purpose of this blog entry).
Note that the entire presentation was created in LATEX using Beamer. You may also want to read my notes on BIBTEX, which will eventually become a part of our talk. You can read some of Joe’s notes on LATEX on his personal wiki, here. Feel free to browse and/or post any of your general typesetting questions to this public mailing list.